the Bruce Festival Membership
the Bruce Festival Membership
Membership Required for Full Access
Along with our annual Festival we offer a membership to our site, this gives the members the opportunity to share their heritage, discuss ideas, show Clan Pride, engage in ancestorial research of your lines, compete in events with other clans and have an open dialogue with other like-minded people from around the world.
Our Membership is designed to give our members the opportunity to engage in conversation and share ideas in a format similar to Facebook Groups. You will have the opportunity to Join Groups, Create Groups, Write on your own wall to share your pictures, thoughts and links.
- Group Style Discussions
- Join Groups
- Create Groups
- Moderate Your Groups
- Picture Sharing
- Album Creation
- Private Messages
- Follow other Members
- Friend other Members
- Like & Comment on posts
- Like & Comment on Pictures
- Bookmark your favorite Posts, Media, Pages and even other Members
- Review Members & be Reviewed by others
- Have Public & Private notes
- Share your Interests
- Member Directory
- Multiple PRIVACY Settings in Your Account
- So Much More…
We offer 2 Levels of Membership, a Basic membership giving you access to the basic functions of our Unique Membership and our PREMIUM Membership that gives you Full Access to our complete Membership, included with your Premium Membership is a FREE Entry Ticket to our Festival and additional Discounts on our other events throughout the year.