Frequently Asked Questions
This is your FAQ section Help Page, here you will find the answers to the most common questions to assist you in navigating our site and getting the most out of your membership.
Membership FAQ’s
NO, there are many parts of the site that you can use freely, however, to get a better experience you need to have one of the memberships.
We offer 2 Levels of Membership:
Our Basic membership gives you access to the basic functions of our Unique Membership.
Our PREMIUM Membership will give you Full Access to our complete Membership, included with your Premium Membership is a FREE Entry Ticket to our Festival and additional Discounts on our other events throughout the year.
For a complete overview of each of these membership plans visit:
Membership – the Bruce Festival
No, the Standard Membership is FREE, however, if you select our PREMIUM membership, it is a Yearly subscription, just a one-time low yearly fee.
For a FREE membership you simply delete your account.
PREMIUM Membership, you can cancel it at any time before the next subscription period. Your account will remain active until your current plan expires. After that it will be downgraded to a standard Membership where you can keep it or delete the account.
Group FAQ’s
Yes, as a PREMIUM Member you can create and manage as many different group discussions. FREE Members can not create groups.
Yes, if you are a PREMIUM Member, you can manage any group you create, you can also be assigned a group to manage/moderate.
That’s fine, just let us know when you want to transfer that capability over and who you want to have the responsibility for it.
We want this Membership experience to be Valuable and deliver a positive outcome. So with that in mind, if you run into an issue with another member the first thing to do is contact the group creator to resolve. If that doesn’t work, then contact us and we will remedy it. We have zero tolerance for abusive behavior or actions.
Photo’s & Albums FAQ’s
Yes, but to do this you will need the PREMIUM Membership, the FREE Membership does not have that Function available, at that level you can only upload your Profile Picture and you Profile Header Picture.
UNLIMITED, you can create as many Albums as you would like and add as many photos as you like.
Yes, other members can see you Pictures & Albums, and they can comment and like them as well.
Yes, all you would need to do is open the picture you want to share and COPY the URL Address at the top of the page and paste it into the Discussion Group.
Yes, other members of the site can comment & like you pictures.
Yes, you can edit your comments made on pictures. Just click the EDIT ICON at the bottom right of your comment. Looks like a pencil.
Private Messages FAQ’s
A Private message system allows users to privately message each other.
Key Features
* Allows users to send private messages to other users
* Adds a message button to user profiles which lets users send a private message to that user
* Adds a messages tab to each user profile so users can view all conversations and read/send private messages from profile
* Automatic refresh of private messages
* Ability to add emoticons to each private message easily
* Adds option to user account page for users to decide if they want to receive private messages or not
* Sends an e-mail notification to users when someone starts a new conversation with them
* Adds option to user account page so users can turn on/off receiving an e-mail notification for new conversations
* Includes block feature so users can block specific users from messaging them and also provides a way to unblock users from account page
* Messages accept plain text, with urls automatically converted into links (No other HTML is accepted in messages)
* Show unread messages count in your menu
NO – The Private Message Feature is available in the PREMIUM Membership Only.
No Problem, the system is setup so you can BLOCK individual members that you don’t want Private Messages from. You can UNDO this later if you wish.
Bookmarks FAQ’s
The User Bookmarks feature allows users to bookmark posts, pages, media, and other post types for quick access from the User’s profile page.
NO – The Bookmarks Feature is available in the PREMIUM Membership Only.
User Notes Tab FAQ’s
Allow users to create public and private notes from their profile.
Key Features
– Users can create private and public notes
– Notes appear on a user’s profile in a separate tab
– Users can save notes as drafts
– Users can edit and delete their notes
– Integrated with social activity extension to show in social activity when a user creates a new note
– Integrated with friends extension to create notes only for friends
They can be, each note lets you set who can see it.
– Just You
– Everyone
– Just Friends
– Just Followers
– Just people that YOU Follow
They can, if your note is set to “everyone” in your PROFILE Settings, then it will show up in the Membership’s Activity Feed, you can change this anytime.
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about our festival, new ideas, creative opportunities and how we can help you.