Welcome to North Idaho’s
(Established 2024)
A celebration of Scot-Irish culture, their ancient history and of the “Stirling-Scot”.. the bright and famous Warrior-King..“Robert the Bruce” (Raibeart am Brusach)
“2024” … A significant, important and inspiring year in Scottish History…
The year marks not only the 750th year since the birth of Good King Robert but also the return of the Stone of Destiny to Perth where it was Stolen from the Scots 728 years ago in the year 1296 by King Edward 1of England...
(interesting side note: Robert the Bruce was the first Scottish king “not” to be coronated upon the stone due to the theft by Edward, the King of England… friend and ally of John “the Red” Comyn.)
Additionally, among other sites around the World, a 750th birthday celebration was held at the place of Roberts Tomb, Dunfirmline Scotland and subsequently Bonners Ferry Idaho. Recognizing the existence of a “multitude” of Americans of Scot-Irish decent and following a Momentous journey to Scotland, Iain Miller, a descendant of Robert the Bruce desired to create the event to help share, teach and to preserve the culturally rich and beautiful heart of Scot-Irish history.
Among other things, the event was created to put forth little-known details on how the Bruce and other key Scot’s inner most heartfelt endeavors layed the foundation for the formation of the West. Welcome to the 1st Annual “the Bruce festival” !
“We know and from the chronicles and books of the
ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots,
has been graced with widespread renown” Arbroath-1320

Event for 2025
This 2025 Robert the Bruce Festival will be a 2-day event